ocr: rarallon Computing, Inca Lotus Notes aWorkspace File Edit View Mail compose Jext Tools Design Window Help - = - - - BIUE 04 Bucinese Requed Card Caltrackng Dalabate Cohaci fny Electonic Libiaty Noles News PurReg! Examiple Product Cataleg Puichanirg Iten Roguston Suspot NBAI Book &R Hequabons Trackng ppDvas Conteltnce Trae Whderele Runcronont Cucorer Track. E - MAKING THE BEST USE of two products: If you don't want to invest in the space to keep a Lotus Notes client on your portable, you can use Farallon's Timbuktu to log on to a remote machine. The full capabilities of Notes applications and d ...